Manna Blog Introduction
The Manna Blog is a resource specifically for church pastors, planters and leaders. As Manna has taken root and drawn near to leaders throughout the Southland, we have noticed there is a void of resources that are Southern California specific. There is great material out there about the universal church, about leading and pastoring, about […]
The Coming “New Norm”
The Manna Team has gone to great lengths over the past several months to research trends, changes and Biblical equivalents to this era of Covid-19 and the coming “New Norm”. There is no doubt things will be different for the church as we look ahead. Based on the gospel, history and cultural trends, we have […]
‘The Curve’: Current Trends brought about by the Covid-19 Crisis
In March 2020, the world became fixated on the curve. Daily, billions of people eagerly watched the curve’s movements to see the nightmare of the Covid-19 pandemic unfold and be visually represented on a graph. The curve represents billions of stories of those who had contracted Covid-19 along those who faced the onslaught of its […]
“Hindsight is 20/20”
“Hindsight is 20/20.” And now, hindsight is 2020. Looking back at the year of 2020 provides the opportunity to see with more clear vision. It’s tempting to just forget about 2020 and move on; understandably so. However, reflecting on this fraught year provides helpful lessons for moving forward into 2021 with greater vision and faith. […]